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Alice's Restaurant - Original 1967 Recording
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Too Many Cooks | Adult Swim
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Beauty and the Beast – US Official Final Trailer
A mentally unbalanced young woman - who is convinced she is jackie kennedy - flies into a murderous rage when her brother returns home to reveal he is engaged

The house of yes (1997) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more.

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Samwell - "What What (In the Butt)"
The house of yes is a witty 1997 black comedy film about a rather interesting thanksgiving dinner. the movie starts and ends with home movies of marty and jackie at 14 years old when they were at an ides of march costume party while jackie narrates about remembering where they but the trope is in full effect. i need to go iron my dog:

They include his twin sister, who calls herself jackie-o, his kid brother anthony (who reveals that she's their first guest) and his mother, who tells her children "i look at you people and wonder, how did you ever fit in my womb?'' "the house of yes'' exists somewhere between "long day's journey into night'' and "the addams family," as the
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